I have a 20,000 word story to write this week about lesbians, and I am determined to get it done! I was hoping not to get an invitation to any festivities because I want to be a hermit this week, but I got an invitation from my grandmother and from a friend. My original goal of introverting all week sadly cannot happen, but I’ll have plenty of time to get my work done.
I have a rough idea of the story’s plot, but I haven’t created too many details. Hopefully, I can get into the zone when I start writing tomorrow. It’s not going to be easy, but my imagination is vast and will surely aid me in this endeavor, right?
Funny thing is that I planned to redo my outline tonight, but I created an outline for another lesbian novel instead. Now that one might be my first official novel project, but of course, my mind changes all the time. You wouldn’t believe how many novel outlines I have. Oh well, they’ll all get written at some point.
Anyway, now I really should go and do that outline. Good night!
Much love, Dana Kenzii 🙂