Words written Day 24: 1,621
Words written Day 25: 2,975
Thoughts: Still writing more fanfic, and it’s so much fun. I get to go back to my roots (remind me to tell you the story of how I got into fiction writing) and just write for the fun of it. I need to remember to do this more often.
So the new fandom I just joined now has three fanfics from me. One multi-chapter story, and two one-shots. I’ve gotten a few more prompts from my readers, so I’m excited about those.
I plan on going back to my novella on Sunday. Tomorrow (Saturday), I’ll be running some errands then hanging out with family. I’m not too sure where I want to go with the story, but I may have to shorten it so I don’t drag it out for too long. I might shorten the other ones too, but they’ll be at least 20,000 words each. I want the erotic romance to be hot but concise. There’s a lot of unnecessary things I put in there because I wanted to get the stories to 25,000+ words.
As always, I am very tired, and I have a very early appointment with my car dealer. Good night!
Much love, Dana Kenzi 🙂