100k Word Challenge: Day 11

Words written:  594

Thoughts:  I decided to go easy today since I’m still sick.  I’ll try to make up the difference tomorrow, and I hope I don’t wake up at noon again.

My story is coming along nicely, and I love my female main character and her love interest.  They are incredibly snarky towards one another, and it’s hilarious.

My friend got me hooked on this game called Cross Stitch, so I’ll be playing that for the rest of the night.  I’m tired and will be going to be soon.


Much love, Dana Kenzi 🙂

4 thoughts on “100k Word Challenge: Day 11”

    1. I know, but it’s so hard when you’re determined to finish something. The break did help though, since I woke up without a sore throat. I plan to make up the difference today and tomorrow. Thank you so much for wishing me luck 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s very exhilarating and also relieving. I’m slowly working my way up to novel length stories, but I started out writing short stories. Now, I’m working on novellas. You’ll get there too, and I wish you luck with your writing!

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